1. Organisation of the page structure

Basics of page building in Magnolia

Organisation by line of business

Organise your pages according to clearly defined business areas of your organisation, such as different product lines or service sectors. You should use dedicated navigation areas and specific templates for each area in order to provide targeted content and maintain brand coherence.

Structure of the hierarchy, navigation depth and SEO

Start with a clear hierarchy within the business areas such as "Products", "Services", "About us" and "Contact". Under these main categories, you should set up further subpages for specific topics or categories. It is important to maintain a consistent naming and structure to facilitate maintenance and scalability. Also consider the depth of navigation and the path users need to follow to reach specific content. Navigation that is too deep can detract from the user experience, while a well-designed, flat structure allows users to access the information they want quickly and efficiently.

From an SEO perspective, the structure of your website is particularly important. A clear and logical structure not only improves the user experience, but also helps search engines to better understand and index the content of your site. This leads to better visibility in search results. Be sure to include keywords in your navigation points and page titles to increase relevance to search queries. Implementing breadcrumbs can also help to improve user navigation and give search engines clear indications of the page structure and the hierarchical connection between pages.

Thematic sorting

Group your content thematically to improve the user experience. For each main topic, create a central entry page that leads to more detailed subpages and links thematically related content.

Navigation creation

The navigation should reflect the hierarchy and thematic organisation of your pages. The automated creation of navigation in Magnolia CMS based on the page structure saves time and effort. Changes to the structure are reflected directly in the navigation, which ensures a high level of consistency. With a blacklist function, certain pages can be specifically excluded from the navigation, which is particularly useful for special landing pages or internal content. This allows precise control over public visibility and adapts the navigation individually to the needs of the organisation. Overall, this approach offers an efficient balance between automation and customisability.